The Elisabeth Morrow School in Englewood, New Jersey offers a unique summer camp with many options for children of from 3 years old - 9th Grade. Located on fourteen acres, Summer Explorations offers its campers a wealth of resources and facilities including three science labs, vegetable and flower gardens, three playgrounds, two multipurpose gymnasiums, a playing field, running brook, a pond for earth science study, three libraries, state-of-the-art computer labs, and a manual and digital weather station. Summer Explorations offers a perfect environment for indoor and outdoor learning and recreation.
Summertime is a perfect time to help stretch a child's imagination, maintain intellectual curiosity and build strong, healthy muscles with ample physical activity. Explorations, the Summer Program of The Elisabeth Morrow School offers a unique blend of camp and school experiences. Throughout the three, two-week sessions, three-year-old through ninth grade children build skills and explore special interests at a relaxed, flexible summertime pace. This year, Summer Explorations is launching a new Academic Program for grades 7 - 9. Campers of all ages are encouraged to discover new experiences and achieve success at their own pace and level of academic and physical development. Each program is taught by qualified teachers. To schedule a tour call 201. 568-5566 ext. 7150 or
Sunday March 10th
Camp Session
June 24th - August 2, 2013
6 Week Session
Three (2) week sessions
After Camp Child Care Program from 3:30 - 5:30
Elisabeth Morrow School
435 Lydecker Street