The guest panelists are Syndee Winters, Daryl Stewart, Marcia Pendleton, Doreen Oliver.
It's been a year since Broadway has shut down due to Covid-19; how have producers, actors, and behind-the-scenes creatives pivoted during this time? The Creator's Room series is an intimate conversation about the journey of creators working behind the scenes in the arts. Join this live Zoom panel discussion on Friday, April 30, 2021, at 6 p.m. Respected journalist, Danielle Vauters, will moderate this conversation. The guest panelists are Syndee Winters, a Broadway actress, producer, and YouTuber, Daryl Stewart of Daryl Stewart Productions, a teaching artist, producer, and performer, Marcia Pendleton from Walk Tall Girl Productions and Doreen Oliver, a film developer, producer, writer, and performer.