The beloved Hans Christian Anderson tale, The Princess and the Pea, comes to life on the South Orange Performing Arts Center stage on October 15 at 2 p.m. This fun, and funny, musical tells the story of a Princess who is introduced to the King and Queen's court just in time to vie for the Prince. However, her arrival in a rainstorm leaves the Queen to doubt her worthiness as a match for her son. This story of acceptance and love and, of course, a 'Pea' will prove that staying true to who you are is the key to true happiness.
From the lively antics of Humpty Dumpty and the Big Book of Nursery Rhymes to the excitement and spectacle of American Repertory Ballet's Nutcracker, to Disney's Choo-Choo Soul "With Genevieve!" SOPAC's Kids 'N Family performances are selected to offer a broad range of genres and disciplines to appeal to everyone in the family. Live performances can be an unforgettable experience that reinforce learning, ignite imagination and creativity, and help young people develop a lifelong enthusiasm for the arts. To make the performances more affordable for families, a 15% discount is offered when buying tickets for two or more shows. Coupon code Kid15 will apply when purchasing tickets online at SOPAC's website. More information is available online about the entire season.
The running time of Princess and the Pea is approximately 60 minutes, and is recommended for children ages 4-10.
The Princess and the Pea is scheduled for October 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased online, or by calling the box office at (973) 313-2787.