The production stars Sasha Allen, Brian Neal, Shawneka Ponder, Libby White, Nathan Alford-Tate, and Nakia Dillard.
South Camden Theatre Company is now presenting Pipeline, starring Sasha Allen, Brian Neal, Shawneka Ponder, Libby White, Nathan Alford-Tate, and Nakia Dillard.
With profound compassion and lyricism, Pipeline brings an urgent conversation to the foreground. Don't miss this deeply moving story of a mother's fight to give her son a future - without turning her back on the community that made him who he is.
The title Pipeline refers to two different kinds of institutionalized segregation. In the first, gifted and talented students are culled from the public-school crowd and given accelerated classroom experiences. The second refers to the schools-to-prison syndrome that plagues poor, mostly inner-city, and mostly African-American families.
That appears to have been the fate in store for Omari (Brian Neal), whose recently divorced parents have separated him from public schools and shipped him off to prep school in the hope of improving his chances of avoiding one kind of pipeline and benefitting from another.Nya (Sasha Allen), an inner-city public high school teacher, is committed to her students but desperate to give her only son Omari opportunities they'll never have. When a controversial incident at his upstate private school threatens to get him expelled, Nya must confront his rage and her own choices as a parent. But will she be able to reach him before a world beyond her control pulls him away?
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