The South Camden Theatre Company, a nonprofit professional theatre organization located in Camden, New Jersey opens its eighth season titled "Home in Waterfront South" featuring works written by Clifford Odets, August Wilson, Joseph M. Paprzycki and Eugene O'Neill. Its eighth season will focus on our common desire for somewhere to call home; be it in our neighborhoods, hearts or minds.
A three-week production of "Indoor Picnic" written by Joseph M. Paprzycki and directed by Ray Croce begins the 2012-2013 season opening tonight, October 26, 2012 at 8 p.m. "Indoor Picnic" portrays the change in Camden, New Jersey from 1960 to 1990 as viewed through the eyes of four members of a fading Polish American club. It tackles the difficult problems of racism, urban decay and white flight throughout neighborhoods in this era.Founder and Producing Artistic Director Joseph M. Paprzycki states, "Season eight opens with my play "Indoor Picnic", written with the life experience of growing up in Camden New Jersey during the time when things changed so drastically in our country and cities. It is a play of broken hearts all broken by Camden itself."Videos