Nick Jr's. BLUE'S CLUES LIVE At Smiling Rhino Theatre
BLUE'S CLUES LIVE! THE MOST SPECTACULAR PLACE begins when the curtain greets and welcomes the audience into the wonderful world of Theatre. On stage, Blue and Steve lead the audience on a clue-based journey, in search of the most spectacular place of all. Along the way they get some help from friends Tickety-Tock, Mrs. Pepper, Mr. Salt, Paprika, Slippery Soap and Mailbox. This quest takes them through Storybook Forest, where Blue and Steve meet The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks, The Big Bad Wolf, and other characters from classic fairytales. Blue and Steve even travel to outer space in search of the most spectacular place, discovering planets and other celestial wonders along the way. When they discover the final clue, Blue and Steve learn that aside from the surprise-filled world of Theatre, home is the most spectacular place of all! Children are invited on stage after the show to meet the characters!Videos