Adapted from the screenplay of the iconic holiday classic movie "It's A Wonderful Life," and written by Steve Murray and conceived by Mark Setlock, "This Wonderful Life" is a hilariously touching stage adaptation of the film...performed by one actor who inhabits more than 35 recognizable characters.
From George and Mary to Mr. Potter and Clarence, from Ernie and his cab to Zuzu and her petals, this 70-minute play will delight audiences of all ages as a single actor creates a heartwarming story about the effect one hardworking man's life has on the people around him. It will be presented Sunday, December 6 at 3pm at the George Frey Center for Arts and Recreation in the Fair Lawn Community Center, 10-10 20th Street, in Bergen County's Fair Lawn.
The show is directed by Skyline Theatre Company's Artistic Director Sam Scalamoni and performed by David C. Neal, who has appeared in several recent Skyline productions.
Audience members are invited to bring non-perishable food, grocery store gift cards, and other donations to support Bergen County's Center for Food Action in New Jersey (CFA). CFA provides emergency food packages, rental and utility assistance, counseling, advocacy and other essential services to those in need living in northern New Jersey.
Individual tickets prices range from $22 to $29 and are on sale through Skyline's online box office at and its in-person box office at 800-474-1299. For ticket reservations or for more information about Skyline go to All performances take place at the George Frey Center for Arts and Recreation in the Fair Lawn Community Center in Fair Lawn, NJ. More information is also available via our social media platforms on Facebook at SkylineTheatreCo and on Twitter @SkylineBergen.