Veteran publicist Beck Lee is coming out! His dark comedy "Subprime," which represents his professional debut as a playwright, premieres in a workshop production at the Jersey City Theater Center (JCTC) in June. It could be the easiest-to-get-to out-of-town try-out on record... just a PATH ride away. And you are invited to cover it!
Directed by Jason Jacobs, the five character comedy, in which two Minneapolis couples come to New York for a bargain vacation nobody can afford, plays a limited four-show engagement at JCTC's Merseles Studios, 339 Newark Avenue, on Thursday June 8 at 7:30pm, Friday June 9 at 8pm, and Saturday June 10 at 3pm & 8pm. You are welcome to attend any performance. Featured in the cast are Taylor C. Hays, John Long, Laris Macario, Sarah Street and Jennifer Laine Williams. (Street starred in the critically acclaimed comedy "Abigail's Party" at Barrow Group this past season.) The production design team includes Reid Thompson (set), Lawrence Schober (sound), Eric Marciano (projections). Gahlia Eden is the production stage manager. Set in the summer of 2008 when hints of an impending financial meltdown were being felt and studiously ignored, "Subprime" introduces us to the Crocker-Kellys and the Swensons, two couples from the well-to-do Linden Hills neighborhood in Minneapolis. The scope of their denial about the state of their finances, their marriages and even their identities comes into sharp focus in the course of an evening of relaxation in their hotel.Videos