Pushcart Players, New Jersey's renowned touring theatres for young audiences presents "Peter and the Wolf" on Sunday, November 17 at 2:00 pm at Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, NJ.
"Peter and the Wolf" is an enchanting production of a classic tale, set to the resplendent music of Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev. Each character in the story is represented musically in this story of a spirited young boy who confronts the dangers of the forest with courage, creativity and leadership. With a professional cast (Actors' Equity Association) who employs various forms of puppetry, singing and choreography, "Peter and the Wolf" is a universal theatrical celebration that has toured nationally and internationally.
Pushcart Players is in its 40th anniversary season of presenting productions filled with fun, facts, magic and wonder. The company has traveled over 2 million miles to serve more than 8 million children and their families nationally and abroad. All performances come with innovative scenery, complete lighting and state of the art sound systems, making it adaptable to any location.
"The themes of 'Peter and the Wolf ' are what make it a timeless, beloved classic," said Ruth Fost, co-founder of Pushcart and the writer / director of the production. "Friendship and caring. Arrogance and prejudice. Youth and maturity. Conflict resolution and beauty in the natural order of life. All worthy of celebration!"
PHOTO CREDIT: David Crow Photography