The New Jersey Theatre Alliance presents Pushcart Player's production of Cuentos Del Arbol (Tree Tales) at Dreamcatcher Repertory Theatre on Sunday, March 16 at 2:00 pm at the Oakes Center at 120 Morris Avenue in Summit. This event is part of the New Jersey Theatre Alliance's Stages Festival, the state's largest annual theatre festival that provides discounted and free theatre performances, workshops and events for all ages throughout the month of March. The play is recommended for Spanish, English or Bi-lingual audiences of any age. This event will be free, but reservations are required.
The Stages Festival is a statewide program offering free and discounted tickets to performances, workshops, classes and events at the states professional theatres, partner performing arts centers, as well as libraries, schools, senior centers and museums. The program was developed to encourage New Jersey's residents to attend their local professional theatres by making the experience affordable, accessible and fun.
All across the state, patrons will receive free and discounted tickets to over 100 performances and special events, including classes, and workshops for all ages. Since its inception 17 years ago, the program has served over 80,000 people.
Dreamcatcher Repertory Theatre, professional Theatre in Residence at the Oakes Center in Summit, will host the award-winning Pushcart Players for this special one-day event. The Pushcart Players, based in Verona, provide educational programming and entertainment for young audiences and their families statewide and nationally. Cuentos Del Arbol encompasses four charming stories drawn from Spanish and Latin-American folklore, and provides a splendid celebration of musical theatre.
Reservations are required for Cuentos Del Arbol, playing Sunday, March 16 at 2:00 pm. To reserve, please call 908-514-9654 or email More information on the program may be obtained by calling Dreamcatcher's business office at 908-514-9654 or emailing