The cast includes Victor Cruz (Pedro), Noah Gaynor (Miles), Eddie Gutiérrez (Julián), Gerardo Rodriguez (Héctor) and Jon Rua (Beto).
All new production photos have been released for The Hombres at Two River Theatre.
This new play by Tony Meneses (Two River's The Women of Padilla, Guadalupe in the Guest Room) is a fresh and nuanced look at the complexity and intimacy of male friendship. Set in New Jersey ("somewhere off the NJ Transit line"), the play follows Julián, a gay Latino yoga teacher, as he clashes with the straight and macho Latino construction workers outside his studio-particularly the older head of the crew, Héctor, who seeks from Julián something he never expected. Annie Tippe (Lortel Award-winning Octet) to direct.
Cast includes: Victor Cruz (Pedro), Noah Gaynor (Miles), Eddie Gutiérrez (Julián), Gerardo Rodriguez (Héctor) and Jon Rua (Beto).
Photo Credit: T. Charles Erickson
Victor Cruz and Jon Rua
Gerardo Rodriguez, Victor Cruz and Jon Rua
Eddie Gutierrez and Gerardo Rodriguez
Noah Gaynor and Eddie Gutierrez