Making good on its promise to return annually, Twenty Minutes to Curtain Productions, under the wing of legendary costume designer and show producer Arthur Gerold, presents an original adaptation of the classic fairytale, "Hansel and Gretel" as the opening show of the 2010-11 season at Mercer County Community College's Kelsey Theatre. The company opened last year's season at Kelsey with its crowd-pleasing musical, "Alice in Wonderland."
According to director Claudia Perry, the show is a lively new take on the Grimm's fairytale, with book, music and lyrics by Marilyn Gerold. "There are upbeat, catchy songs and themes of contemporary family life that make it is ideal entertainment for children and parents alike," Perry says.
Perry adds that this is not your typical story of two poor children lost in the forest. "There are numerous characters who befriend Hansel and Gretel-- a Bear, a FAllen Leaf, a Bump on the Log, and an enchantEd Platter, Spoon, Pot and Kettle. All are sympathetic to the children's plight when they are captured by the witch who lives in the sumptuous gingerbread house." In a newly commissioned ballet written specifically for this show, there are Dancing Fireflies who tuck the children in for the night with a silken spider web.
The cast features Ryan Sax of Langhorne, PA, as Hansel; Marissa Marciano of Plainsboro as Gretel; Michael Cinquino of Bristol, PA, as Father; Lauren Rooney of Philadelphia, PA, as Stepmother/Witch; Jenny Horowitz of East Windsor as Bear/Kettle; Lauren Lynch of Columbus as FAllen Leaf; Salena Qureshi of Columbus as Platter; Julia Mitchell of Yardley, PA, as Spoon; Eric Simon of Princeton Junction as Pot/Spider/Bump; and Rebecca Mann of Feasterville, PA, as Firefly.
The production team includes producer Arthur Gerold; musical director Eric Barnes; director Claudia Perry; production manager Michael J. Pastorok; technical director Chris Whelan; set designers Laura Downs and Allison Fontana; lighting director Jerry Jonas; and choreographer Rex Henriques.
Tickets are $16 for adults, $14 for seniors, and $12 for students and children. To order tickets online, visit or call the Box Office at 609-570-3333. Kelsey Theatre is wheelchair accessible; free parking is available next to the theater.
For tickets, call 609-570-3333 or order online at
Photo by William Brafford.
Salena Qureshi, Jenny Horowitz and Julia Mitchell