McCarter Theatre Center presents the return of A Christmas Carol, directed by Adam Immerwahr. This family-friendly production runs December 10 - 29 in the Matthews Theatre. A popular annual event for families all across the region, McCarter Theatre Center's production of Charles Dickens' timeless story brings a tale of memory and redemption beyond the stage and out into the aisles and lobbies.
Take a look at photos below!
Ebenezer Scrooge (Greg Wood) is no fan of Christmas. He "bah humbugs" every glimmer of holiday happiness. Cheer is costly and good-will is bad for business. This Christmas, however, things are going to be a little different. This annual holiday tradition will usher you into the spirit of the season with all the joy, wonder, and generosity Scrooge discovers.
Photo Credit: Charles Erickson
A.J. Shively, Greg Wood
Andrea Goss, A.J. Shivley, Greg Wood, Alicianna Rodriguez
Aria Song and Greg Wood
Aria Song and Greg Wood
Aria Song, Jon Norman Schneider, and Emre Celik
Aria Song, Jon Norman Schneider, Syra Bhatt, Emre Celik, Isabella Rodriguez, and Sharina Martin
Chandler Miller and Greg Wood
Chandler Miller
Greg Wood and the company
Greg Wood and the company
Greg Wood and members of the company
Isabella Rodriguez, Sharina Martin, and Greg Wood
Members of the Community Ensemble
Steven Rattazzi with members of the Community Ensemble
Twinkle Burke, Billy Finn, Lauryn M. Thomas, Andrea Goss, A.J. Shively, Steven Rattazzi
Twinkle Burke, Greg Wood, Jo Twiss, Frank X, and Billy Finn