Paper Mill Playhouse has announced a new Master Class series beginning this September. On select Mondays evenings, Broadway artists and industry professionals will lead master classes for children between the ages of 9 and 17. The two-hour theater and dance master classes will cover many areas within the theater industry including stage combat, auditioning, choreography and more. There is still time to sign up for this brand new Theatre School offering which begins mid-September. For more information or to register for Paper Mill Playhouse Theatre Classes, please e-mail Michelle Tempkin at or visit Paper Mill's website for the registration form.
Paper Mil Playhouse was recently voted 'Favorite Theater Camp" and "Favorite Theater to See a Musical" in the annual People's Choice Awards. "It's not surprising considering Paper Mill Playhouse's inclusive nature, its commitment to education, and the caliber of professionals that devote their time and passion to Paper Mill Playhouse," stated Lisa Cooney, Paper Mill Playhouse's Director of Education.
The Paper Mill Playhouse Theatre School invites students between the ages of 9 and 17 to enroll in the new Master Class series where they will train with some of the industry's most talented professionals.
Explore "Agents & Auditioning" in September, "Stage Combat" in October, "Musical Theatre Auditioning" in November, "Mime and Movement" in January, "Stage Make-Up Essentials" in February and "Choreography" in March. Classes are grouped by age. Master class teachers include Broadway fight director Rick Sordelet, Broadway casting director Alison Franck, world-famous mine and solo performer Bill Bowers, resident make-up artist for ABC's The View Andrey Girard, award-winning choreographer Wendy Seyb and previous Talent agent Jenny Carbone.
For more information or to register for Paper Mill Playhouse Theatre Classes, please e-mail Michelle Tempkin at or visit Paper Mill's website for the registration form.
PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE, a not-for-profit arts organization, is one of the country's leading regional theaters. Paper Mill Playhouse programs are made possible, in part, by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, and by funds from the National Endowment for the Arts. Paper Mill Playhouse is a member of the National Alliance for Musical Theatre, the Council of Stock Theatres, and the New Jersey Theatre Alliance.