1776-OPEN CALL AUDITION for Male Singers Who Act
Paper Mill Playhouse of Millburn, NJ will hold an open call for the musical 1776 EQUITY COST CONTRACT MILLBURN, NJMusic and Lyrics by Sherman Edwards
Book by Peter Stone
Based on a concept by Sherman Edwards
Original Production Directed by Peter Hunt Originally Produced on the Broadway Stage by Stuart Ostro
Tuesday, January 20, 2008 Chelsea Studios (151 West 26th Street, 6th Floor)
9:00AM sign up, drop-ins welcome. We will be seeing people until 6PM, as time permits.
LEWIS MORRIS: 40 to 50; delegate from N.Y. who has the classic line "New York abstains courteously." He is somewhat overwhelmed by his more aggressive fellow New Yorkers back home and so chooses to abstain from the vote.
James Wilson: 30 to 45; Another delegate from Penn., Wilson's primary goal in life is to go unnoticed. In an effort to avoid making waves, he agrees with virtually everything put in front of him by Dickinson. Ultimately, though, he casts the deciding vote in favor of independence to avoid historical mention. May have a slight British dialect. Operates from fear.
GEORGE READ: 35 to 55; Delegate from Delaware who is opposed to independence.
COL. THOMAS MCKEAN; 35 to 40; Delegate from Delaware who is very vocal and very Scottish (dialect necessary).
JOSEPH HEWES: 35 to 45; Delegate from N. Carolina who always submits to Rutledge.
JOSIAH BARTLETT: 35 to 50; liberal delegate from New Hampshire, he is in favor of independence.
LEATHER APRON: 20 - 35, a Blacksmith who is doing some work in the chamber and engages in conversation with the courier and McNair and sings a bit of "Momma, Look Sharp."Lyric Batritone. PAINTER: 20 - 50, he is an artist painting a portrait of Ben Franklin. THESES TWO ROLES will be combined.
And one Non-Union Male to cover several of these roles
All Non-Equity performers will be eligible to enroll in the Equity Membership Candidacy program. Callbacks will be either later the week of Jan 20 or the very first week in February.