Opera Talk takes place at The Mansion at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Join Opera at Florham this spring for Opera Talk, a series of free presentations on Opera with music educator Lou Barrella at the Hartman Lounge, The Mansion at Fairleigh Dickinson University, 285 Madison Ave. Madison, NJ 07940.
Our April 29 presentation, Celebrating the Humanity of Royalty in Opera, is on Saturday from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm.
As a tie-in to Opera at Florham's April 2 concert, The Royalty in Opera, we will explore operatic characters who happen to be of royal lineage and see them as humans who experience the same emotions that we all do, although in Opera, this involves singing in a most magnificent manner.
The event is free, and walk-ins are welcome. However, you can register and find more information at www.operaatflorham.org/opera-talk.