The classic tale, Little Red Riding Hood, comes to life in a new musical adaptation by Open Air Theatre co-artistic director, composer and lyricist, Louis Palena. Little Red Riding Hood will be performed August 1 through August 3 with shows on Friday and Saturday at 11 am and Sunday at 4 pm
Join Little Red Riding Hood on her Journey through the woods to Granny's house. Along the way she meets many beloved fairy tale characters all while escaping the Big Bad Wolf.
Palena has taken the story loved by generations of readers and created a new theatrical work that promises to delight audiences of any age. During previous seasons at the Open Air Theatre audiences saw his versions of Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and The Sorcerer's Apprentice. This season, in addition to Little Red Riding Hood the Open Air children's series features his productions of Hansel and Gretel and Snow White.
The Washington Crossing Open Air Theatre production of Little Red Riding Hood will be performed on Friday August 1, and Saturday, August 2 at 11 am and Sunday, August 3 at 4 pm. Tickets are $5 for children or adults and can always be purchased at the Open Air Theatre Box Office prior to the performance.
For complete information about the 2014 Summer Season of mainstage shows, children's theatre productions, directions and more, visit the website at The Washington Crossing Open Air Theatre is located inside Washington Crossing State Park at 355 Washington Crossing-Pennington Road in Titusville, New Jersey. Box Office phone is
(267) 885-9857.
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