"Peter and the Wall" tells the stories of two ordinary individuals in extraordinary times: Peter Saer, who must travel to Japan to identify and claim the body of his dead husband, and Kotoku Wamura, the real life mayor of the northern city of Fudai, who crusaded at great personal cost to build an unprecedented 60 foot seawall to protect his seaside town from potential tidal waves. Their interwoven stories culminate in a connection that transcends time and space...resulting in a singular, triumphant, and ultimately, beautiful heartbreak.
This original work is written by Timothy Huang and directed by Michael Whitney. Timothy Huang's works have been produced at Prospect Theater Company, NYTB, and Baayork Lee's National Asian Artists Project (Andy Pickets, 2 to Wakefield, Crossing Over, respectively). His song Everything I Do, You Do (with co-lyricist Sara Wordsworth) was recorded by Sutton Foster for the charity album Over the Moon: The Broadway Lullaby Project. Timothy is the recipient of a 2013 Jerry Harrington Award, the 2015 New American Musical Award (B-Side Productions) and a 2012-2013 Dramatist Guild Fellow.
This event is part of the Alliance's Stages Festival, the state's largest annual theatre festival that provides free and discounted theatre events for all ages throughout the month of March. The Stages Festival offers dozens of performances, workshops, classes, and events at the state's professional theatres, performing arts centers, libraries, schools, senior centers, and other community venues. The program was developed to encourage New Jersey's residents to attend their local professional theatres by making the experience affordable, accessible, and fun. Since its inception 19 years ago, the program has served over 190,000 people. More information and a complete schedule can be found at www.stagesfestival.org.
This original piece will be performed as a staged reading and will be followed by an audience talk back with the author, performers and director.
Admission is free and advanced reservations are not required. For more information, visit stagesfestival.org or skylinetheatrecompany.org.