New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC) presents The Nightmare Before Christmas on Saturday, December 15, 2018 at 7:30 PM. Based on a story and characters created by Tim Burton, 1993's animated The Nightmare Before Christmas (rated PG) was directed by Henry Selick (James and the Giant Peach). This magical film follows the earnest but misguided adventures of Jack Skellington, Halloween Town's beloved Pumpkin King, as he attempts to take control of the Christmas holiday. Against the advice of Sally, a lonely rag doll who has feelings for him, Jack enlists three mischievous trick-or-treaters - Lock, Shock and Barrel - to help in his plot to kidnap Santa Claus.
The film's score and songs are by four-time Oscar nominee Danny Elfman, one of the big screen's most versatile composers, known for his work with top-tier directors like David O. Russell, Sam Raimi, Guillermo Del Toro, Peter Jackson and others. This delightful performance of Elfman's music will be conducted by John Mauceri, the founding director of the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, who led similar, sold-out performances of TheNightmare Before Christmas at Brooklyn's Barclays Center and L.A.'s Hollywood Bowl.New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC), located in downtown Newark, N.J., has the most diverse programming and audience of any performing arts center in the country, and is the artistic, cultural, educational and civic center of New Jersey - where great performances and events enhance and transform lives every day. NJPAC brings diverse communities together, providing access to all and showcasing the state's and the world's best artists while acting as a leading catalyst in the revitalization of its home city. Through its extensive Arts Education programs, NJPAC is shaping the next generation of artists and arts enthusiasts. NJPAC has attracted more than 8 million visitors (including over 1.6 million children) since opening its doors in 1997, and nurtures meaningful and lasting relationships with each of its constituents.