"Bakersfield Mist," a National New Play Network world premiere comedy by Stephen Sachs which opened on October 13, has been extended at the New Jersey Repertory Company, 179 Broadway in Long Branch through February 5. The play began its triumphant run in Los Angeles here it was held over month after month for six months before coming to Long Branch where it once again played to sold-out audiences.
The unlikely heroine of "Bakersfield Mist" is Maude Gutman (Linda S. Nelson), an unemployed, Jack Daniels swigging bartender, who lives in a trailer park in the seamy part of town. Events are set off when she purchases a painting at a thrift shop for three bucks, but then learns that it may be a Jackson Pollock worth tens of millions. Maude convinces the foundation that authenticates Pollock's work to send their straight-laced expert, Lionel Percy (John FitzGibbon), to pass judgment on the work, and that's when the sparks begin to fly.Performances are January 5 - February 5. Thursdays, Fridays at 8:00 pm; Saturdays at 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm; and Sundays at 2:00 pm.
Tickets are $40; Discounts are available for seniors, students, and groups of 10 or more.For tickets call 732-229-3166 or visit www.njrep.org for online ticketing.Videos