Mystery Science Theater 3000' Brings 'Cheesy Movie Circus Tour' to Montclair's Wellmont Theater.
It's a can't-miss event from host/creator Joel Hodgson, celebrating his final live tour of the program that has introduced multiple generations to cinematic history, comedy WHO: "Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live: The Great Cheesy Movie Circus Tour!"
"Mystery Science Theater 3000" ("MST3K"), one of the 100 Best TV Shows of All-Time (Time, 2007), will be bringing its "Great Cheesy Movie Circus Tour" to northern New Jersey's premier live entertainment venue, the Wellmont Theater, on March 7.
"MST3K," led by creator Joel Hodgson, on his final live tour, finds a janitor trapped by mad scientists, forced to watch B movies as part of a plot to conquer the world. With the company of robot companions, he screens the movies, hilariously commenting/"riffing" on each. The March 7 movie will be the 1960 horror film, "Circus of Horrors." Don't miss this event - with your favorite characters in the "front row."
Saturday, March 7, 7 p.m. Eastern
Wellmont Theater, 5 Seymour St., Montclair, N.J., 07042