The performance is on Monday, April 14 at 7pm.
A free reading of King of the Hollywood Fixers is coming to Hamilton Stage next month. The performance is set to take place on Monday, April 14 at 7pm. American Theater Group in partnership with Union County Performing Arts Center’s Free Play Reading Series will resume with the reading of this play by Douglas J. Cohen.
In January 1942, MGM “fixers” Eddie Mannix and Howard Strickling converge at the El Rancho Hotel in Las Vegas with the studio’s top star, Clark Gable, after a plane carrying his wife, actress Carole Lombard, goes missing in the nearby mountains. Charged with managing the crisis and getting Gable back to work, the two fixers clash over motives, methods, and morals—while all three fight to survive, reflecting the struggles of Hollywood and the nation amid war and rising fascism.
Veteran actor, director, producer and teacher Chris Wells (Broadway: Titanic, Crazy for You) will direct the reading, which will feature Briga Heelan (Broadway: Once Upon a One More Time, TV’s Cougar Town), Robert Sella (Broadway: Side Man, Cabaret), Larry Mitchell (TV’s Paterno and Zero Day) and Mike Giese (Triptych, The Barrow Group).
Learn more here.