Jersey City Children's Theater has announced their new show, Animal Tales: Favorite Animal Stories From Around the World. The company's ninth production marks the beginning of JCCT's third season performing for and teaching classes to more than 11,000 members of the Jersey City Community since they opened in March 2011.
Animal Tales: Favorite Animal Stories From Around the World will feature original Story Theater adaptations of "The Three Little Pigs", "Teremok", "The Tortoise and the Hare", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Ladybug Picnic", "The City Mouse and the Country Mouse", and "Frog Went A-Courtin'". As is always the case with JCCT productions, a post-performance interactive story theater workshop will be offered where young audience members are invited to act out and re-imagine parts of the show with the cast. JCCT is committed to providing high quality professional theater to the community, as well as theater instruction for all ages, in a fun, creative and educationally enriching environment.
Jersey City Children's Theater is also committed to making the arts accessible to youth and families regardless of financial means, and to that end is working in partnership with the Jersey City Board of Education, donating 100 tickets for Animal Tales to underserved families throughout the city.
Says K Tanzer, Resident Director of Jersey City Children's Theater: "Rooted in American Folk Art traditions and set to an original musical score (played live!), JCCT's Animal Tales is a rollicking romp through some the most well know and beloved folktales of all time. As with each of our productions, we are expanding our use of shadow puppets as we deepen and grow our signature style of Story Theater. Come celebrate the start of summer and see JCCT's incomparable acting company transform into bugs, mice, pigs, and one very determined wolf. We promise a fun and engaging afternoon for all!"
"It has been such an amazing journey with this community. JCCT has grown, as our children have grown and we have listened to your need and wants. Animal Tales has been a long time coming and these stories are ones that have been requested over and over. Keep requesting, keep asking-after all, JCCT is your company," adds Kathy Hendrickson, Artistic Director of Jersey City Children's Theater.
Performance Specifics:
Saturday June 14, Sunday June 15, Saturday June 21, Sunday June 22
2:00pm and 4:30pm shows each day
(Sunday June 15, 4:30 show SOLD OUT)
Tickets: $15 in advance, $18 at the door
Tickets available on our website: