Calling all LGBTQIA+! interACT Theatre Productions of South Orange NJ will be partnering once again with playwright Tommy Jamerson to create a new work. "This is Our Story: The Coming Out Monologues" will be a project that will be presented in honor of Pride Month as a fundraiser for a yet to be decided local LGBTQIA+ organization. "This is Our Story" is to be presented by interACT and a talented group of actors in June 2020 (exact weekend and dates tbd). The best part? They want the stories to come from YOU and they will be dramatized by Tommy Jamerson and interaACT's Artistic Director, Nicholas J. Clarey, changing the names, of course.
They ask you to share your coming out story, keeping in mind that coming out is something that doesn't only happen once, but rather everyday. It is not something that only occurs when dealing with parents. The LGBTQIA+ community has to come out to themselves, coworkers, strangers, children, school administrations, and others. It also creates a shared story for people coming out and for those to whom they come out. Perhaps you have not yet come out and are planning to, or are frightened to even think about it. interACT still wants to hear your story. It is not restricted to only Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual people; Pansexual, Asexual, HIV+, Transgender, Questioning, Allies, Surrogayte parents, and others also have to experience this too.
You may think that your story is generic, or uneventful, but we promise you that it is as unique and beautiful as you are. Some end well, some end badly, some don't end, and every story is important.
Submission Deadline is March 3, 2020.
Submission link: