Eagle Theatre is dedicated to redefining regional theatre. "That may sound like a tall order to some," said Co-Artistic Director, Ted Wioncek III, "But, for us, it's an everyday reality."
Now in its 7th Season, Eagle Theatre, which is South Jersey's only year-round professional Equity theatre, celebrates this mission by using up-to-the minute technology and theatrical techniques to immerse their audience. The non-profit professional theatre launched its subsidiary, Innovations Factory, in 2015 to nurture new technology and infuse it into live theatre.
This week, the Innovations Factory began a joint venture with Bayview Bearing & Supply, Automation Drives & Controls and Spellcaster Productions, to make the Eagle Theatre's dreams leap from the page to the stage with a production of Little Women: The Musical, which opens at the Hammonton theatre on January 24th and runs through February 25th. Brimming with adventure and imagination, heartache and hope, Eagle Theatre's epic production will top the charts, with over 2,000 technical cues; from sound to light, special effects to 17 custom designed, computer-controlled mechanical winches. "
Eagle Theatre is known for their expansive imagination. We are honored to play a role in bringing the unexpected to life by offering our technical know-how and expertise." Ryan Mayer, Bayview Bearing & Supply Sales Manager said. The Innovations Factory is a core of theming artists dedicated to experimental storytelling through medium advancing technology, including; motorized moving walls, scent-sensory experiences, rotating stages, mechanical winches, advanced audio engineering and 3D/4D animation.
"Younger audiences have mobile phones, apps and advanced technology at their fingertips as a means of entertainment. Yet, theatre thrives because it provides a human interaction. When you bring technology and live interaction together, you create a new theatre experience. One that speaks to audiences on a highly stimulating, emotional and entertaining way," said Wioncek.
For more information about Eagle Theatre, or to book tickets and Season Passes, visit www.eagletheatre.org or call 609-704-5012.