Shrek The Musical tells the story of the irreverent but lovable ogre, who embarks on a life-changing adventure. Joined by a wise-cracking donkey, this unlikely hero fights a fearsome dragon, rescues a feisty princess, and learns that friendship and love aren't only found in fairy tales. "I love to direct this show," asserts Sowers-Adler. "People empathize with the characters and identify with the idea that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and all people deserve love regardless of their differences."
Gas Lamp Players, Glen Ridge's non-profit theatre company in residence at the Glen Ridge Public Schools, has provided unique and exciting theatrical experiences to the community for over 25 years. The mission of Gas Lamp Players and Gas Lamp Academy of Performing Arts is to cultivate community, creativity, confidence and compassion through the performing arts. Gas Lamp serves its mission by offering a range of skill and performance classes for children from age 4 through high school including school break educational programs and summer camps.
The talented cast of Shrek is led by Eric Parkin as Shrek, Kara Lutz as Fiona, Jimmy Spadola as Donkey, Gerry Mastrolia as Lord Farquaad and features choreography by Lisa Grimes. Sowers-Adler urges families to come to the theater. "We will create a fantastic theatrical experience that will leave you filled with joy. It's a great day / night out for the whole family!"
Tickets are $22 for adults and $12 for students and senior citizens. Visit or for more information.