Due to the weather, "The South Jersey Experience: Civil War Biographies," that was supposed to take place in Salem, NJ on Thursday, Feb. 25, has been postponed until Thursday, March 4. The time is still 7:00pm, but because there has been so much interest in these panel discussions, the location has been changed to a larger venue: St. John's Episcopal Church, 76 Market St., Salem, NJ. The date for the Cape May presentation is still Thursday, March 25 at 7:00pm, and is slated for the Cape May Historical Society Museum, but a larger venue may have to be used. For updates on "The South Jersey Experience," contact the event's organizer, Tom Sims, Executive Director of The Cape May Film Society, 609-884-6700 or visit www.capemayfilm.org.
The presenters are the same in both locations: Jim Stephens, Deputy Director for Historic Cold Spring Village in Cape May; Joe Bilby, the Assistant Curator for the National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey; Gayle Stahlhuth, Artistic Director of East Lynne Theater Company in Cape May, specializing in American history and literature; and Richard Veit, Professor at Monmouth University. The panel discussions will also be accompanied by a selection of period songs performed by Barry Tischler.
The entire presentation is being filmed for a new educational DVD that will be distributed to schools, libraries, and historical societies throughout Southern New Jersey. This program was made possible by a grant from the New Jersey Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any view, findings, conclusions, or recommendations in this program do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or the New Jersey Council for the Humanities.
ELTC is an Equity professional company celebrating 30 years of presenting the American Spirt on stage. Mainstage season runs June-December and March in Cape May, NJ. Touring shows and educational outreach all year long. www.eastlynnetheater.org