The show centers around the last days of Willie Loman, a failing salesman, who cannot understand how success and happiness have missed him. Through a series of tragic revelations of the life he has lived, it is discovered how his quest for the American Dream blinded him to the people who loved him. A thrilling work of deep and revealing beauty that remains one of the most profound, classic dramas of the American Theatre and taught in schools throughout the country.
Directed by Claire Bochenek, the cast includes the following: Willy Loman - Bob Scarpone; Linda Loman - Kate Daly; Biff Loman - Michael Reddin; Happy Loman - Michael Jay; Charlie - Frank Bläuer; Howard - Nick DiDomenico; Bernard - Anthony Miceli; Ben - George Fear; Stanley - Ted Nykun, Jr; The Woman - Caitlin Jurewicz, Alison Devereaux (March 14th).
The show runs March 13, 2015 - March 28, 2015. Friday and Saturday shows at 8 p.m. and Sunday matiness at 2 p.m. $17 Subscribers may call the theatre to reserve. Tickets are available on Smart Tix to the general public at