The summer children's theatre series concludes this weekend with Disney's Sleeping Beauty Kids. Performances are scheduled for Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31 at 11 am and Sunday, September 1 at 4 pm.
It's princess Aurora's sixteenth birthday, and Flora, Fauna and Merryweather must use their fairy magic to save her from the spell of evil sorceress Maleficent! This classic fairytale told Disney-style includes a large chorus, from King Stefan and Queen Stefanie's Loyal Subjects to Maleficent's slimy goons. Songs from the beloved film, including "Once Upon ad Dream," accompany fun new songs like "Maleficent!" and "A Little Magic Now" to bring a fresh telling of the story to a new generation of kids and families. The Washington Crossing Open Air Theatre production of Disney's Sleeping Beauty Kids will be performed on Friday, August 30 and Saturday, August 31 at 11 am and Sunday, September 1 at 4 pm. Tickets are $5 for children or adults and can always be purchased at the Open Air Theatre Box Office prior to the performance.Videos