Best known for its 1950 film adaptation staring Jimmy Stewart, Mary Chase's 1944 Pulitzer Prize winning comedy Harvey will be charming its way into the hearts of Centenary Stage Company audiences October 3rd through October 19th at The Lackland Center.
One of modern theatre's most lovable characters, Elwood P. Dowd is charming and kind but has only one character flaw: an unwavering friendship with a 6-foot-tall, invisible white rabbit named Harvey. In order to save the family's social reputation, Elwood's sister Veta takes Elwood to the local sanatorium. But when the doctors mistakenly commit his anxiety-ridden sister, Elwood-and Harvey-slip out of the hospital unbothered, setting off a hilarious whirlwind of confusion and chaos as everyone in town tries to catch a man and his invisible rabbit. The question is; does the world need another "normal" chap or more Harveys?
Directing this production is CSC's own award - winning Carl Wallnau. Chosen to beautify the stage of the Sitnik Theatre, once again, with his stunning and life-like set designs is Emmy Award-winning designer Bob Phillips.
Tickets for Harvey range from $25 to $27.50 with discounts for students and seniors. Every Thursday night is "Family Night," which offers a 2-for-1 rush ticket price when purchased at the door. Performance times are Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. There are 2 p.m. matinées on Wednesdays October 8th and October 16th and for the Preview Performance on Friday, October 3rd . Harvey is sponsored by Bea McNally's Irish Pub.
Tickets may be purchased online at, at the CSC Box Office located in the David and Carol Lackland Center at 715 Grand Ave in Hackettstown, or by calling 908-979-0900. The Box Office is open 1-5 PM Monday through Friday, and 2 hours prior to performance times. CSC also operates a second Box Office during the season at 217 Main Street in Hackettstown open Monday through Friday 3-6 p.m.
The 2014-15 season of performing arts events at the Centenary Stage Company is made possible through the generous support of the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, the NJ State Council on the Arts, the Shubert Foundation, the Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation and CSC sponsors, including Premier Sponsor Heath Village Retirement Community, Silver Sponsors Hackettstown Regional Medical Center, The Holiday Inn in Budd Lake, and Fulton Bank, Bronze Sponsors The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation and Wells Fargo Bank, and Centenary Stage Company members and supporters.