Auditions will be held Tuesday, February 2nd from 10AM to 7PM.
Centenary Stage Company, a professional not-for-profit theatre company in residency on the campus of Centenary University in Hackettstown, NJ approximately 50 miles west of NYC, will be holding auditions for the world premiere production of Turning!
Auditions will be held Tuesday, February 2nd from 10AM to 7PM in the Lackland Center Dance Studio at 715 Grand Ave. Hackettstown, NJ 07840.
All roles are available. Those attending may prepare a monologue appropriate to the material or read from sides. Sides will be provided and are available online at CentenaryStageCo.Org/casting-call. Also, be prepared to move if individuals have examples of dance and/or gymnastic skills. Dance experience and/or some gymnastics ability is a plus. If unable to attend, send resumes to Att: Casting. Rehearsals begin February 9th.
Performances are from February 25th to March 7th. For more details on Turning, visit or call the box office at (908) 979 - 0900. Centenary Stage Company is a not-for-profit professional theatre company in residency at Centenary University.
Seeking the following roles:
Mary: early 20s, part of the gymnastics team; she is "all Brooklyn, Irish"
Jennie: early 20s, part of the gymnastics team; heavy NJ accent. Italian heritage
Ada: early 20s, part of the gymnastics team, heavy NJ accent. Italian heritage
Jesse Owens: Yes, that Jessie. Early 20's, part of the men's Olympic Team
Inspired by the 1st U.S Women's Gymnastics Team at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. In the heart of 1930s Newark, a group of scrappy young women began to train in backyard gyms for what would become the experience of a lifetime. Darrah Cloud's new play "Turning" is sponsored in part by the NJ Stage Exchange Program, in collaboration with the New Jersey Theatre Alliance. "Turning" was developed in CSC's Women Playwrights Series; Inspired by the real-life stories of the 1st US Women's Gymnastics Team members, including Hackettstown resident, Ada Lunardoni, and the memoirs of Jesse Owens.
For more information or to download sides visit To schedule an appointment please call the Centenary Stage Company box office at (908) 979 - 0900. To get tickets, visit or call the Centenary Stage Company box office.