Featuring: Broadway stars Carter Calvert (Cats, Always, Patsy Cline), Rob Evan (Jekyll & Hyde), Rita Harvey (Phantom of the Opera, Fiddler on the Roof), William Michals (Les Miserables ,Beauty and the Beast), and Danny Zolli (Jesus Christ Superstar).
Bergen Performing Arts Center is located at 30 North Van Brunt Street - Englewood, NJ. The concert will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 8pm.
Ticket Pricing: $38 - $59 and can be purchased in different ways: By Phone: 1-201-227-1030 (Bergen PAC Box Office) or 1-800-745-3000 (Ticketmaster); Online: www.bergenpac.org or www.ticketmaster.com; At the Box Office: Monday-Friday 11am-4pm, Saturday 12pm-4pm.
For more information, visit: www.bergenpac.org.