Tom "T-Bone" Stankus, affectionately known as America's musical Pied Piper, will sing his way into the hearts of children and those young at heart in his interactive musical production "Camp Muckalucka" at Mercer County Community College's Kelsey Theatre. Show times for these special children's performances are Friday, July 8 at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. and Saturday, July 9 at 2 and 4 p.m. Kelsey Theatre is located on the college's West Windsor campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road.
Audience members will spend an imaginary day at summer camp with "T-Bone" as their counselor. From the first blast of the wake-up bugle through activities such as swimming, story time, name that tune and other games, Stankus will teach valuable lessons in listening, safety - and fun!
Stankus has entertained thousands of youngsters since his start in the theater in the 1970s. With the child in him still fully intact, "T-Bone" connects with children and parents alike, who invariably respond by clapping, dancing and singing along.
Tickets for "Camp Muckalucka" are $8 for children, students and seniors, and $10 for adults. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling the Kelsey Box Office at 609-570-3333. Kelsey Theatre is wheelchair accessible and free parking is available next to the theater.
Other shows in the Kelsey Summer Festival are: Rogers and Hammerstein's "Oklahoma," presented by The Yardley Players July 15-July 24; "13 The Musical," presented by the Pennington Players July 29-Aug. 7; and "Forever Plaid," a musical homage to guy groups of the 50's, Aug. 19-28.