Black Box Studios is pleased to announce the two-week extension of The Tale of the Dragon's Tail, created and directed by Josh Kammerman, and based on a story developed by the Apple Tree Players. The Tale of the Dragon's Tail, an adventure musical for the kid in all of us, returns with four more performances on Sunday,March 6th and Sunday, March 13th, 2016 at 11:30am and 1:30pm. The Tale of the Dragon's Tail performs at Teaneck's new culture hub, the Black Box Performing Arts Center (200 Walraven Dr. (just off Palisade Ave), Teaneck, NJ 07666). Tickets are $12-15 and are available at or by calling 201-357-2221.
In The Tale of the Dragon's Tail, a prince and princess meet and fall in love at first sight, but right as they are about to plan their nuptials, two evil and very incompetent wizards cast a spell on the princess that convinces her the only way she can marry the prince is if he brings her the tail of a ferocious dragon.
Follow the prince as he embarks on a wild journey to break the spell, and meets along the way lots of colorful characters, including a funny map seller, an ogre, a mysterious old lady, a giant and eventually the dragon with the tail that can break the spell.
An interactive adventure musical full of action, fun and dance for the whole family.
The Tale of the Dragon's Tail returns with the following four performances:
Sunday, March 6th at 11:30am and 1:30pm
Sunday, March 13th at 11:30am and 1:30pm
Tickets are $12.00 (Kids) and $15.00 (Adults), and are now available at or by calling 201-357-2221. Tickets may also be purchased at the venue.
Black Box Performing Arts Center is located at 200 Walraven Dr. (just off Palisade Ave), Teaneck, NJ 07666.