"There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear."
Buffalo Springfield's lyrics, and the urgent message for which they were penned, feel eerily contemporary when tuning into any 24-hour news channel or receiving a Twitter-sphere ping reporting the latest breaking and 'triggering' topic. Whether a desperate act of Gun Violence or 'zero hour' Climate warning, unconscionable abuse against Women's Rights, or Race-related tragedy...it is understandable that many Americans wish NOT to 'look what's going down.'
It is in stark contrast to everyday Americans' aversion to asking 'what's that sound' that the CREATE Core Courage Foundation, and their Second Annual Arts Showcase, is coming to Asbury Park, New Jersey-Wednesday, November 6th at The House of Independents.
The stated mission for CREATE Core Courage (createcorecourage.art) is to "bring attention to the continuing need for social and institutional change by sharing human experience through the unifying and healing language of art." A lofty mission statement indeed...but one which has been rallying various art collectives, individual creators, social justice thought-leaders, and local entrepreneurs and philanthropists since the projects' first annual event, 'Women In Art: Creating with a Purpose', last year in Red Bank, NJ, sponsored by JBJ Soul Kitchen, which featured a juried event for women artists whose work addressed compelling social issues. This purpose-driven art event was a local success and an inspiration to its two producers, Pamela Caputo and MaryLou Caputo, community activists who met during Superstorm Sandy recovery efforts.
Where to go from there? What other social justice topics deserved dire attention through the 'unifying and healing' lens of art?
Marylou Caputo continues her commitment to social justice art at the JBJ Soul Kitchen in Red Bank where a Survivor Creative Arts Exhibit is being co-hosted with 180 Turning Lives Around.
Pamela Caputo continued the social justice call for art by forming CREATE Core Courage: The Power of Art 2019 which will showcase the work of more than 60 regional artists in the visual arts, live music, poetry, dance, film and live co-creation in the following categories - Art Against Racism, Art to End Gun Violence, Children's Rights, Disability Justice, Earth Justice, LGBTQIA+ (aka QuMAN) Rights, Modern Day Slavery, Veterans' Rights, Water Justice and Women's Rights.
Most remarkably, Caputo's passion and vision have so inspired the local community that Asbury Park just declared November 6th Social Justice Day which further inspired the tireless Ms. Caputo to issue a call for Student Art.
"We are inviting all the school children, K-12, in Monmouth County to submit artwork depicting their vision of what Democracy should look like. We will ask the business owners in Asbury Park to display this collection of art in their storefronts for one week beginning November 1st. The young artists and their families will be invited to join us in the Justice Walk so we can tour the downtown display and celebrate their efforts!"
Adding to the one-night-only excitement of the POWER OF ART event are performances by a myriad of musical talents including: Wincey Terry-Bryant (Host), Ms. G, Carol Lester, the Rising Stars of the Axelrod Performing Arts Center, Breeze Waker, and comedian/activist Jess Alaimo. Needless to say, this is not your typical arts offering...ranging in timbre from tender to tragic; passionate homage to hilarity.
One thing is certain, CREATE CORE COURAGE will be manifesting some powerful social change waves by the Jersey Shore this Fall...and it will be all but impossible for those in their wake not to "look what's going down". More information regarding the event, the categories, those spearheading the project, and tickets can be purchased at the organization's website - createcorecourage.art.