The Ritz Summer Arts Camp hosts a four-week, hands-on experience in the magical world of theatre. Each day, campers will explore acting, singing, movement, improv, dance, and production, all taught by trained instructors.
Ritz Theatre Co. Producing Artistic Director Bruce Curless explains: "One of our most important responsibilities is to our youth. Our Ritz Kidz shows are produced specifically to thrill the youngest in our audiences, and our Ritz Summer Arts Camp gives young people of all ages the opportunity to develop their talents in a supportive, group environment, ending with experiencing a Broadway show. This year they will see Disney's Frozen. "
Ritz Summer Arts Camp for Grades 1 to 12
In addition to daily classes, campers will attend the Ritz's current mainstage production and talk to the professional actors involved. Plus, the whole camp will hop on a bus to New York City to see a Broadway show! It's a terrific way to learn more about the craft of theatre while making new (and lifelong) friends.
2019 Summer Camp
July 22nd-August 16th
Register now! Space is limited!
Junior Camp
Monday to Friday
10 am to 3 pm
Orientation: Wednesday, July 17th at 7:00pm
Camp Show: Friday, August, 16th at 7:30 pm
Tuition: $700
Includes all program fees, performance, ticket to Ritz mainstage production of The Music Man, and field trip cost to Frozen, the Broadway Musical (Wednesday, 8/7).
A limited number of scholarships is available.
Before and after care available for an additional cost ($20 per day).
Junior Campers experience live theatre with our skilled instructors and staff through daily activities-classes in acting, vocal music, movement, dance, and audition process and preparation. Special guests will join for a more in-depth look at life in various aspects of the theatre. At the same time, campers work on their own production, which they'll perform on the last day of camp.
Senior Camp
Monday to Friday
3 pm to 6 pm
Orientation: Wednesday, July 17th at 7:00pm
Camp show: Saturday, August 17th at 7:00 pm
Tuition: $625
Includes all program fees, performance, ticket to Ritz mainstage production of The Music Man, and field trip cost to Frozen, the Broadway Musical (Wednesday, 8/7).
A limited number of scholarships are available.
High school students channel their theatrical spirit, mounting a full production in just four weeks. Daily rehearsals give them an opportunity to fine-tune their acting, singing, and dancing skills. Students also dive in "behind the scenes"-preparing sets and props and providing technical support for the Junior Camp Show and their own production.
For more information-including registration forms, details about before/after care costs, and scholarships-call (856) 858-5230 or email