The Old Library Theatre, located in Fair Lawn, NJ, proudly presents Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella. The story of a young girl forced into a life of servitude by her wicked stepmother and self-absorbed stepsisters. A wish granted by her Fairy Godmother gets her to the Prince's ball, but when the clock strikes midnight her dream of love and romance comes to an abrupt end...or does it? This classic fairy tale, which has had three television incarnations over the past 50 years, is now adapted for the stage with great warmth and more than a touch of hilarity. The hearts of children and adults alike still soar when the slipper fits! Directed by Mac McCormick with musical direction by Timothy M. Taylor. Children of all ages will be able to meet & take pictures with the
cast and get autographs after the show, so bring your cameras!
Show dates are: March 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm, Sunday Matinees at 2pm. For information and ticket sales call 201-797-3553 or visit their website:
The cast includes: Michele Backes, Paul Aiello, Beth Valenti, Eric Parkin, Kate Revell, James Maguire, Karen Thomas, Danielle Van Kampen, and Michal Parrington.