From the era of Downton Abbey, The Circle is a comedy of high-society intrigue. When Arnold Champion-Cheney was a boy, his mother, Lady Kitty, scandalously decamped to the Continent with her husband’s best friend. Now, decades later, the eccentric Lady Kitty and her aging paramour, Lord Porteous, return to England at the invitation of Arnold’s young wife, Elizabeth. Why is Elizabeth so fascinated by Lady Kitty? How will Arnold hold his respectable political career together with his hurricane of a mother back in the mix? The Circle chosen as one of the 100 greatest 20th century plays by Britain’s National Theatre, is the prolific Somerset Maugham’s finest work for the stage.
Chubb Theatre at CCA (1/17 - 1/18) | ||
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
Merrill Auditorium (5/27 - 5/28) | ||
Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike
Theatre UP - Littleton Opera House (2/7 - 2/16) | ||
ERIC DITTELMAN – Comic Mind Reader, DATE RESCHEDULED FROM July 27 to 1/31/2025
The Park Theatre (1/31 - 1/31) | ||
Exhibition on Screen: Van Gogh: Poets & Lovers, 90'
The Park Theatre (1/8 - 1/8) | ||
Disciple of the Garden – Legacy of Chris Cornell
Claremont Opera House (3/8 - 3/8) | ||
The Brit Pack Ultimate British Music Experience
Claremont Opera House (1/10 - 1/10) | ||
Peterborough Players (5/17 - 5/17) | ||
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