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Shaken-Speare: A Midsummer Night's Dream show poster

Shaken-Speare: A Midsummer Night's Dream at Cue Zero Theatre Company

Dates: (10/4/2019 - 10/13/2019 )


Cue Zero Theatre Company

29 W Broadway

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  3. Shaken-Speare: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Cue Zero presents the most mixed-up version of A Midsummer Night's Dream ever! 9 performers will attempt to perform one of the Bard's greatest comedies, with a hilarious twist: they will not know which roles they are playing until after the show starts. The actors must use the required props and costumes for each character as they attempt to navigate this acting challenge.This is a B.Y.O.B. event taking place at Jupiter Hall October 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, and 13th; tickets are $10. Part staged reading, part improv show, 100% guaranteed hilarious. Each performance will start with an introduction of the players. Then, with the help of the audience, the actors will be assigned one of nine tracks: Theseus/Oberon, Hippolyta/Titania, Philostate/Puck, Egeus/Lead Fairy/Flute/Thisbe, Hermia/Quince/Prologue, Lysander/Snout/Wall, Demetrius/Starveling/Moonshine, Helena/Snug/Lion, or Bottom. Every performance will be different! ABOUT JUPITER HALLJupiter Hall is a community-oriented multi-purpose creative digital media arts space located in Manchester, NH - where communities experience arts, culture and innovation. Our mission is to showcase and present exciting opportunities for storytellers, creatives and professionals working with Digital Media and other innovative formats to share their stories, culture and vision. Hall is winner of Best of Manchester Best Art Gallery in The Hippo Best of 2019 Readers Picks; and winner of New Hampshire Union Leader's 2019 & 2018 Reader's Choice Awards - "Best Art Gallery" (Silver)ABOUT CUE ZERO THEATRE COMPANY: Cue Zero Theatre Company is dedicated to cultivating and showcasing new works, young directors/designers, and rising actors. Founded in December 2013, the mission of Cue Zero Theatre Company is to support young talented artists on a professional level that need a venue to showcase their work. With our emphasis placed on professionals in the early phases of their careers, all of our projects are focused on growing as artists and as people. Cue Zero sets high standards for all projects; we treat every member of our team with the respect and courtesy due any working professional, and we ask in return that they go above and beyond the normal call of duty to ensure productions are top notch. We would like to thank all of our members for their support, and a special thank you to our benefactor members Lori Pelletier, Alex Bazis, and Mike Perry. For more information about the company and our upcoming productions, please check out Cue Zero Theatre Company is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a nonprofit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Cue Zero Theatre Company must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are taxdeductible to the extent permitted by law. and Instagram @cztheatre ######Who: Cue Zero Theatre CompanyWhat: Shaken-Speare: A Midsummer Nights DreamWhere: Jupiter Hall, 89 Hanover Street, Manchester, NHWhen: Oct 4/5/11 7:30p start time Oct 6/13 2:00p start timeTickets - $10 -


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