Peter Pan tells the classic J.M. Barrie tale of a young boy who refuses to grow up. On a quest to find stories with which to entertain his young cohorts in Neverland — an island refuge for “Lost Boys” — Peter returns to the real world and meets Wendy, Michael, and John Darling. The Darling children accompany Peter back to the magical Neverland, where they learn to fly, get involved in all sorts of adventures, defeat the evil Captain Hook, and are changed forever. J.M. Barrie’s masterful story shines especially brightly with a rich score that includes such beloved songs as “Tender Shepherd,” “Never Never Land” and “I Won’t Grow Up.” A delightful musical featuring singing pirates, daring sword fights, and fantastical make-believe, Peter Pan is a story that is filled with magic, delight, and just a fairy dusting of heartbreak.
The show features the amazing talents of NOHA veteran performers and many making their Opera House debut, including 25 children from the Newport area. The cast includes:
Kimberly D’Agnese as Peter Pan
Kaitlyn Carroll as Wendy
Beth Shenk as John
Laura Shenk as Michael
Rebecca Schenk as Mrs. Darling
Christopher Rex Jacobs as Capt. Hook
Alan “Buzz” Hague as Smee
Amelia Caravan as Tiger Lily
Emily Guyett as Liza
Judah Shenk as Nana and Crocodile
Amanda Merigan as Grown up Wendy.
Lost Boys: Alexis Ash, Luke Bartlett, Kendall Blood, Caverly Charles, Nathan Cherniawski, Kaitlyn Costello, Austin Merrigan, Lucia Merrigan, Abby Pillsbury, Katie Renner.
Pirates: Karen Coutu, Lisa Currier, Allyson Erickson-Alley, Christopher Gardner, Deb Gardner, Ethan Trombley.
Neverland Creatures: Halcyon Charles, Haley Davis, Allyson Dimick, Griffin George, Ari Merritt, Lena Merritt, Harper Smith.
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