Circus Capstone Project is a production of the New England Center for Circus Arts and features aspiring circus professionals at the forefront of American Circus. NECCA is an internationally recognized circus school known for outstanding aerial and acrobatic training with movement and physical theatre in the full time 3 year ProTrack. In their final year, the graduating students devise a show for touring, embracing innovation and daring at the intersection of circus, theater, and dance.La Prairie des Talons is the Capstone Circus Project from the graduating class of NECCAs ProTrack, pushing the boundaries of contemporary circus theater. Working with internationally renowned director Pal Gomex, the talented acrobats, aerialists, jugglers and movers poised to burst upon the world stage, reflect on the collective quest of a generation in search of meaning and identity. It is an ode to the impermanence of life, and to this turbulent, COVID-challenged, rapidly changing world.About the Director: Pal Gomex is a Venezuelan-American pluridisciplinary performer and director. He is the founder of Clowns Without Borders Switzerland and 406Cirque, the Circus School of Bozeman, Montana.
Every Brilliant Thing by Duncan Macmillan
BNH Stage (2/7 - 2/9) | ||
Ugly Lies the Bone
New Hampshire Theatre Project (5/2 - 5/18) | ||
Menopause The Musical 2
Nashua Center For the Arts (6/8 - 6/8) | ||
Disney Pixar's Finding Nemo JR
Theatre UP - Littleton Opera House (4/4 - 4/6) | ||
FAMOUS LOVE LETTERS- An Evening of Readings, Thur Feb 13, 7pm
The Park Theatre (2/13 - 2/13) | ||
My Fair Lady
The Park Theatre (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
Johnny Folsom 4
Claremont Opera House (4/12 - 4/12) | ||
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