A Year With Frog and Toad is based on the Frog and Toad children's stories written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel. The musical follows the woodland adventures of two amphibious friends, a worrywart toad and a perky frog, with their assorted colorful hopping, crawling and flying companions, over the course of a year.
A Year With Frog and Toad played on Broadway in 2003, and was nominated for three Tony Awards – including Best Musical. The show follows two great friends – the cheerful, popular Frog and the rather grumpy Toad – through four fun-filled seasons.
Waking from hibernation in the Spring, Frog and Toad plant gardens, swim, rake leaves, go sledding and learn life lessons along the way. The two best friends celebrate and rejoice in the differences that make them unique and special.
Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka Jr. (8/8/24-8/8/24)
Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka Jr. (8/8/24-8/8/24)
Disney's The Jungle Book Kids (7/12/24-7/12/24)
THE WIZARD OF OZ (YPE) (3/31/17-4/1/17)
Rock n Roll Circus Veterans Benefit event for Rolling Thunder
Claremont Opera House (3/22 - 3/22) | ||
ERIC DITTELMAN – Comic Mind Reader, DATE RESCHEDULED FROM July 27 to 1/31/2025
The Park Theatre (1/31 - 1/31) | ||
Peterborough Players (3/15 - 3/15) | ||
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
Merrill Auditorium (5/27 - 5/28) | ||
An Evening with The Fast Show
Portsmouth Guildhall (11/4 - 11/4) | ||
Disciple of the Garden – Legacy of Chris Cornell
Claremont Opera House (3/8 - 3/8) | ||
PISSARRO: Father of Impressionism
The Park Theatre (2/12 - 2/12) | ||
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