The Admirable Crichton, a comedy by J. M. Barrie, opens at the Peterborough Players tonight, Aug. 1, and runs through Sun., Aug. 12. Tickets are $37 and $39 on Saturdays. Talkbacks with the actors and director follow the performances on Friday, Aug. 3, and Sun., Aug. 5.
Written in the early twentieth century by the playwright who brought us Peter Pan, The Admirable Crichton was one of the most popular and long-running plays of its time. Aristocratic theories are put to the test when a family of distinction and their servants take a yacht trip, only to be shipwrecked on a tropical island. The natural order of things is turned upside down when survival skills become the most valued commodity. Think Downton Abbey meets Swept Away. J. M. Barrie's social satire targets the English upper class, whom he finds endlessly fascinating and humorous.
Crichton is played by Tom Frey; other equity actors in the large cast are Dale Hodges, Michael Page, Ian Peakes, Karen Peakes, and Kraig Swartz.
The play runs August 1 - 12; 8 pm Wed-Sat, 4 pm, Sun, 7 pm Tues, at Peterborough Players, located at 55 Hadley Rd., Peterborough, New Hampshire. Reserved Seating: $37, Saturdays $39. Special on Saturday, August 4: $25 for 35 years and younger. Rated PG. Box Office: (603) 924-7585 or Online:
The Peterborough Players theatre is air-conditioned, handicapped accessible, and is equipped with a hearing assistance system.