This spring the NHTP Junior Repertory Company presents an ensemble work in their production of The Detention Club. When faced with the challenge of finding a stage piece for this tight ensemble of students ranging in ages from 10-14, director Meghann Beauchamp was in a bind. "It's difficult to find plays for this age group, specifically for our students who have classical acting training at a younger age than most and have a serious commitment to the craft of acting. Most plays for youth simply aren't challenging enough."
So the group chose to perform two short plays by NHTP artistic director Genevieve Aichele, along with two others written by Junior Repertory Company members Jemma Glenn Wixson and Anthony Megliola. The next step was figuring out how to tie theplays together. Senior Repertory Company interns Mary Langley, Kelsey Gallagher and Carly Gill suggested improvisation as a tool for discovering a plot line. "It was amazing!" said Beauchamp, "...possibly the best Junior Repertory session we've had in years and I've been with the company since 2004!" Thus was born The DetentionClub, where six students at Ptown High School find themselves in detention together under the care of a new teacher, Ms. Demeter Jones. Through the course of detentionthe students find themselves thrown into myths and stories from across the ages and discover a bit about themselves and each other in the process.Videos