New Hampshire Theatre Project's 25th anniversary season continues with an original adaptation of Antoine de Saint Exupéry's beloved classic The Little Prince. Created by Genevieve Aichele, CJ Lewis and Shay Willard, Finding the Prince follows three soldiers and one journalist who have crashed in the desert during a nameless war. As they struggle to survive, they begin to read a tattered novel given to one of them by a dying soldier. Each character begins a journey towards coming to terms with their own "little prince," the deepest, sweetest part of us who knows that "what is most important is unseen."
Finding the Prince incorporates live action, projected images, video sequences, music and movement. Interviews with military vets who have had war experience in the desert are also included. This production represents the first original piece created completely by the professional company, using the collaborative process that is the hallmark of NHTP.
Genevieve Aichele and CJ Lewis will direct Finding the Prince, with NHTP Youth Repertory Company alumni Shay Willard heading up film and video elements. Actors include NHTP Company members Blair Hundertmark, Heather Glenn Wixson and Robin Fowler along with Kyle Milner and Josh Goldberg (former and current members of the Youth Repertory Company). Lighting design is by Meghann Beauchamp and costume design by Maura Suter.
Finding the Prince is recommended for ages 13 & up. The production runs January 10-26, 2014 at the West End Studio Theatre. For reservations & information, contact 603-431-6644 ext. 5 or
Photo by: Shay Willard/CJ Lewis