Acting Out Productions presents its acclaimed presentation of Jack Neary's romantic comedy, FIRST NIGHT, at the Hatbox Theatre in Concord, New Hampshire for 7 performances on September 6, 7, 13 and 14 at 7:30 pm, on September 8 and 15 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $18 for adults, $15 for members, seniors and students and $12 for senior members. Tickets may be reserved by calling 603-715-2315 or purchased online at
FIRST NIGHT was the first original script produced by the Merrimack Repertory Theatre, and has been staged successfully around the country many times in its history. The play takes place on New Year's Eve, 1985. Danny Fleming, mid-thirties, is about to close up his video store for the evening when into the store pops a woman he believes he remembers from grammar school. What he remembers most is that this woman went away to be a nun. Why is she there? (Who knows?) Why does he care? (He does.) Featuring the brilliant performances of John Manning and Jocelyn Duford, FIRST NIGHT has proven to be a theatre event packed with laughs and excitement.