February, a time of love, new beginnings, and...evil? Dive In Productions returns to Jupiter Hall on February 21st for Dive In to the Dark Side: A Villains' Cabaret - featuring Music Director Tim Goss on the keys.
Dive In to the Dark Side marks the third cabaret between Dive In and Jupiter Hall and the acts are only getting bigger. Executive Director of Dive In Productions Marina Altschiller said "We were so excited during our last concert to put together an opening number with a cast of almost 30. It's not every day that we have the chance to explore these huge ensemble numbers so we are excited to continue to build on that trend."
As for the theme? Cabaret host Will Saxe said it best as he capped off Dive In to an Identity Crisis "the only thing better than love, is villainy."
The cast will feature veteran performers from the Dive In community as well as newcomers from around New England.
The concert is a BYOB event and recommended for audiences 13 and up.
Upcoming concerts include Dive In to March Madness where performers will compete in a composer vs composer bracket for the championship title, Dive In to Some Holiday featuring songs from the original musical Some Holiday, and Get Lit featuring songs inspired by classical literature.
Those who would like to learn more about the event may contact Katie Bérubé at katie@jupiterhallnh.com or call 603-289-4661.
Dive In Productions is a learning-based company that focuses on giving everyone, no matter their level of experience, a chance to learn and grow in the theatre community. The company encourages people to "Dive In" and take a chance at something new!
Jupiter Hall is a community-oriented multi-purpose creative digital media arts space located in Manchester, NH - where communities experience arts, culture and innovation. Our mission is to showcase and present exciting opportunities for storytellers, creatives and professionals working with Digital Media and other innovative formats to share their stories, culture and vision.