A family friendly sketch comedy show where the familiar and unfamiliar blend together in creating a somewhat recognizable world that is slightly (and funnily) askew. Its The Twilight Zone meets Monty Python with a bit of farce. DARWiN'S WAiTiNG ROOM is opening The Players' Ring's 20142015 season with their brand new material written by G. Matthew Gaskell (The Sharp Dressed Men trilogy, Background Check).
The show runs tonight, August 29 - September 14, playing Fri., & Sat., at 8pm, Sun., August 31 & September 7 at 7pm, Sun., September 14 at 3pm.
Actors Danica Carlson, Zach Cranor, Liz Locke, Grady O'Neil, Bretton Reis, Dominique Salvacion, and Michael Towle, along with some cameos from Gaskell promise an unforgettable night.
"Fog of War," a fast past sketch with World War II pilots written by Eric Doucet, will return to the Ring's stage for the first time since 2008. Hapless everyman Jeff Simpson returns in an all new adventure; audiences have previously seen his job interview/dance audition and a failed attempt at pitching his script to a Hollywood producer. Other sketches include the aftermath the Wet River Gang's failed bank robber, a perfect girl's night out, and an inside look at what makes a perfect relationship work.
"I'm so excited for people to see what Greg has come up with," says executive producer Kaitlyn Huwe, "I think our audiences will have some new favorite sketches and characters. Greg is so good at creating the appearance of chaos on stage with fast dialogue and constant movement which is perfectly choreographed, which is a perfect recipe for actors."Tickets cost $15 general admission; $12 for members, students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased online at playersring.org or reserve by calling (603-4368123). The Players' Ring is located at 105 Marcy St., Portsmouth, NH 03801.
DARWiN'S WAiTiNG ROOM is a collection of entertainers from the Seacoast of New Hampshire, who work together to produce original, family-friendly comedy for the stage and screen. The group has been performing out of Portsmouth since 2008, as well as performing for three weeks at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland in August 2013!Videos