The cast features Fury Sheron, Delaney Baldwin, Delsin Wormstead, Tomer Oz, and Haley DeValliere.
Bitter Pill has announced casting for their new theatrical adventure, "Children of the Grim." A neo-gothic musical staging of original and traditional children's stories, nursery rhymes, and folk songs. It will have its premiere at The Players' Ring Theatre running May 13 - June 5, 2022. The cast features Fury Sheron, Delaney Baldwin, Delsin Wormstead, Tomer Oz, and Haley DeValliere.
Written and directed by Billy Butler (Gay Bride of Frankenstein, Missing: Wynter, The Brechtones, Ziegfeld's Midnight Frolic), backed by the Bitter Pill Band, lighting design by Bretton Reis, and stage managed by Gina Bowker.
The show has stories and songs from 17th century nursery rhymes, Mother Goose, Brothers Grimm, Kafka, and Kipling as well as brand new original tunes. Suitable for macabre children of all ages, Bitter Pill uses classic story-telling, puppetry, theatre, multi-media, and music to create a unique theatrical experience. "Children of the Grim" is a sardonic alternative to the usual sugar-coated children's theatre and the Bitter Pill ensemble is just weird enough to engage all ages.
Bitter Pill is a tight-knit family, (literally father and daughter) who play a dark and anachronistic twist of folk, blues, jazz, rockabilly, and country - mixed with original spoken word as well as reading from literary classics. They released their first album, "Prepare Your Throats," in the fall of 2018. A collection of traditional and original songs from the soundtrack of their staging of William Shakespeare's violent, bloody, grotesquely ridiculous abomination of a play, "Titus Andronicus." They released their second album May 2020, "Desperate Times on the New Hampshire State Line," a whimsical collection of foot stompin', hand clappin', spirited cross-genre tunes. Now available for purchase and streaming on all the streamers.
They just finished recording their third album, "livin aint cheap, dyin aint free" and will be heading back into the studio to record their new children's album, "Children of the Grim." Both due out in 2022.
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