Thomas The Tank Engine, known from the hit television show, this year is back in the theater with a great family show for the youngest theatergoers and their (grand) parents. Naturally, all the familiar characters from the TV series over, including Thomas, his friends Percy, James, Gordon and of course the Fat Controller. The life-size, moving trains, impressive scenery and upbeat music make for a memorable afternoon for young and old.
The story
Station of Sodor is in turmoil because the circus comes to town. The Fat Controller has donned his best suit, the platform has been swept and the trains are cleaned. But if it turns out that the circus wagon may not be in time threatens to attack the whole party into the water. Will Thomas and his friends succeed in the Circus still get on time to the city?
Lumumba - The Return of a Hero (2023)
Melkweg (1/24 - 1/24) | ||
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Theater Imperium (1/10 - 1/26) | ||
Sounds & Pressure: Reggae in a Foreign Land (2024)
Melkweg (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
Magic Tom & Yuri Eten Bloed
Dynamo (5/23 - 5/23) | ||
Avatar: The Last Airbender In Concert
Martiniplaza (5/2 - 5/2) | ||
De Notenkraker
MAINSTAGE Brabanthallen (12/14 - 12/14) | ||
The Pride Xpress ft. RÊVERIE & Roi Soleil
Patronaat (5/18 - 5/18) | ||
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